Wednesday 16 November 2016


So you have some 3D media and want that big screen wow factor on the H1...How do I play content in 3D? Well you'll have a few options! You'll have some side by side downloads or TV broadcasts, top to bottom downloads or TV broadcasts or you'll be playing from a 3D BluRay Player using Frame Packing.

The XGIMI supports all these. Simple play the desired file or disc and choose from the 3D menu on the H1 the type of file you are using...TOP TO BOTTOM...SIDE BY SIDE...BLUE RAY (that's what the Z4 menu calls it and I assume it will be the same on the H1). Pop on your 3D glasses and voila! you now have large screen 3D!

The best way to watch any 3D is from BluRay as you get full resolution to both eyes. Top to Bottom and Side by side has already halved the resolution of the movie either vertically or horizontally so you are watching at a lower resolution. It's better than a passive 3D TV which is then halved again due to the passive retardant screen. So BluRay 3D is the way 3D is meant to be seen on a H1!

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